Tuesday, 18 September 2007

First Teaching Day

Maggie has been at her new school, Miróbriga, in Ciudad Rodrigo since the beginning of September. The first week was taken up with planning meetings, getting resources sorted and popping out for coffee. The second week was largely taken up with an "orientation" course organised for people new to the project that Maggie is working on. The course was in Alcala de Henares, birthplace of Cervantes.

Finally, at the beginning of week three Maggie saw the three year olds that she will be "teaching English" for the coming year. She's only had ten minutes of contact time. The lesson plan was to work on saying hello. Apparently ten minutes is a long time in the life of a three year old and when they were not being directly addressed they had a tendency to crawl away. Maggie says a lot of them looked very scared.

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