Sunday, 17 May 2009

Harassing and knocking down

Acoso y derribo means exactly what the post title says. Two blokes with pointed lances riding on horses chase a cow down a field. Once the cow crosses a line, marked with flags, the two horseriders try to knock the cow over as many times as possible by sticking the lance into its haunches before it crosses another line a couple of hundred metres further on.

We, that's my friend Alan Crawford and I, went to an Acoso y Deribo event in Lumbrales. Whilst it wasn't exactly sickening it wasn't heartwarming either and I can't say that it particularly stirred my blood as a spectacle. Now, when we got a beer and a pinchito at the beer stall (I decided it would be a while before I had to drive today), that was definitely both heartwarming and exciting. Much more fun.


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